Event Calendar
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- 25Town Commission Meeting6:00 pm - 9:30 pmTown of Edgewood Special Commission Meeting @ 6:00pm in the Town of Edgewood Commission Chambers located at 171A NM 344 Edgewood, NM 87015. Agenda & Packet at: Town of Edgewood – Meeting Type List (civicweb.net) Link: YouTube Livestream and recordings , ...
- 26Family Story Time11:00 am - 12:00 pmJoin us every week for family story time! Enjoy listening to our librarian read picture books aloud and create a fun craft to go along with the books. , ...
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- 5Family Story Time11:00 am - 12:00 pmJoin us every week for family story time! Enjoy listening to our librarian read picture books aloud and create a fun craft to go along with the books. , ...
- 6Quasi-Judicial Hearing2:00 pm - 6:00 pmTo Consider an Appeal of an Approval by the Town of Edgewood Planning and Zoning Commission for a Minor Subdivision. Parcel 910012931 Sec. 36 T10N R7E located in the Town of Edgewood. , ...Public Hearing6:00 pm - 7:00 pmPublic Hearing on proposed Ordinance 2025-001 Constitutional Carry Ordinance. , ...
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- 11Wildfire Safety & Preparedness5:00 am - 6:00 pmFind out how to prepare your home and property against wildfire dangers. In our Southwest climate, windswept wildfires can develop and move quickly across large areas. By preparing ahead, you and your family may save your home and will have a plan for your animals. Santa Fe County Fire Department and Town of Edgewood a , ...Town Commission Meeting6:00 pm - 9:30 pmTown of Edgewood Special Commission Meeting @ 6:00pm in the Town of Edgewood Commission Chambers located at 171A NM 344 Edgewood, NM 87015. Agenda & Packet at: Town of Edgewood – Meeting Type List (civicweb.net) Link: YouTube Livestream and recordings , ...
- 12Family Story Time11:00 am - 12:00 pmJoin us every week for family story time! Enjoy listening to our librarian read picture books aloud and create a fun craft to go along with the books. , ...Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Meeting6:00 pm - 8:00 pmAgenda March 12th 2025 , ...
- 13COW Awards6:30 am - 8:30 pmCOW Awards (Community On the Way) recognize community members and businesses/organizations who serve the Edgewood community through volunteer service or sponsorships and bring positive energy to the town. Nominations open until February 20. Ballots will then reflect top nominees and be open for the community to vote (F , ...Early Library Closure @5pm5:00 pm - 6:00 pmThe library will close at 5pm today to allow staff to attend the COW Awards. , ...
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- 19Family Story Time11:00 am - 12:00 pmJoin us every week for family story time! Enjoy listening to our librarian read picture books aloud and create a fun craft to go along with the books. , ...
- 20Planning & Zoning Meeting6:00 pm - 8:00 pm171 A St. Rd. 344 Commission Chambers @ 6 PM , ...Library Advisory Board Meeting6:30 pm - 8:30 pmDescription: Library Advisory Board meeting Time: 6:30Pm Date: March 20, 2025 Location: Edgewood Community Library Click here for the Agenda , ...
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- 22Movie Matinee12:00 pm - 2:00 pmEvery 4th Saturday of the month, join us for family movie matinee at the library! March Featured Movie: Moana 2 (rated PG) , ...
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- 25Library Scavenger HuntAll DaySearch the library and count all the pieces of gold the leprechaun left behind. If you find them all, you win a prize! , ...Town Commission Meeting6:00 pm - 9:30 pmTown of Edgewood Special Commission Meeting @ 6:00pm in the Town of Edgewood Commission Chambers located at 171A NM 344 Edgewood, NM 87015. Agenda & Packet at: Town of Edgewood – Meeting Type List (civicweb.net) Link: YouTube Livestream and recordings , ...
- 26Library Scavenger HuntAll DaySearch the library and count all the pieces of gold the leprechaun left behind. If you find them all, you win a prize! , ...Family Story Time11:00 am - 12:00 pmJoin us every week for family story time! Enjoy listening to our librarian read picture books aloud and create a fun craft to go along with the books. , ...
- 27Library Scavenger HuntAll DaySearch the library and count all the pieces of gold the leprechaun left behind. If you find them all, you win a prize! , ...
- 28Library Scavenger HuntAll DaySearch the library and count all the pieces of gold the leprechaun left behind. If you find them all, you win a prize! , ...
- 29Library Scavenger HuntAll DaySearch the library and count all the pieces of gold the leprechaun left behind. If you find them all, you win a prize! , ...
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- 2Coffee with a Commissioner9:00 am - 11:00 amJoin Edgewood’s newest Commissioner, Mike Rariden, and Commissioner Patrick Milligan for casual conversation. Share ideas, learn what’s in the works. , ...Family Story Time11:00 am - 12:00 pmJoin us every week for family story time! Enjoy listening to our librarian read picture books aloud and create a fun craft to go along with the books. , ...
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