The Governing Body values community suggestions and ideas. Please feel free to contact the Commissioners by email, phone, or during public comment at a Town Commission Meeting. A public comment sign-up sheet is available before each Town Commission Meeting. When prompted, citizens may address the Governing Body. Regular Commission meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month. Agendas can be found online by date.
TOWN COMMISSION VACANCY - The Governing Body of the Town of Edgewood is seeking a dedicated individual to serve as a Town Commissioner. The position will be appointed by the Governing Body to fill a current commission vacancy and will serve until the next local election, in accordance with State statute. Candidates must be a registered voter residing within the Town of Edgewood. The candidates may be interviewed by current Commissioners. At a public meeting, the Governing Body will discuss the candidates brought forward for final consideration and, by majority vote, can appoint to the Town Commission.
In order to be considered, interested residents should submit a Letter of Interest and resume to the Town Clerk-Treasurer prior to the January 15, 2025, deadline. Questions may be directed to the Town Clerk-Treasurer or Community Liaison.
ADVISORY BOARDS - Are responsible for working with specific departments to conduct research, identify potential grants and funding sources, analyze information, and make recommendations to Staff and the Town Commission. Most Advisory Boards meet monthly or bi-monthly to focus on and support a specific department or purpose:
- Animal Welfare Advisory Board
- Library Advisory Board
- Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board
- Parks & Recreation Advisory Board
- Planning & Zoning Commission (meets twice a month)
The Governing Body appoints individuals to Advisory Board positions, typically in January of each year. If you would like to be considered to serve on an Advisory Board, please submit a Letter of Interest and resume to the Community Liaison.
VOLUNTEER POSITIONS - A variety of volunteer opportunities exist throughout the year. Some are weekly volunteer positions and others may be event- or project-specific. If you have a passion in certain areas, it is recommended that you contact that specific department to inquire. Departments with regular volunteer positions: Animal Shelter, Library, Parks & Recreation.
The Town Manager approves potential volunteers. An application and background check may be required, depending on the volunteer role. Email your interest to the Community Liaison.