TOE Resolution # 2024-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Signatory Authority Resolution – Regarding signatory authorities for all Town of Edgewood bank accounts and other official acts. Supersedes Resolution # 2023-047.

TOE Resolution # 2024-002

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Open Meetings Resolution – Establishing rules of procedure for transaction of all matters presented to the commission of the Town of Edgewood presenting detailed rules of conduct, establishing policy and procedure with reference to notice of general, special, and emergency meetings of the Municipal Commission.

TOE Resolution # 2024-001

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Special Election Resolution – Directing the Town Clerk to issue a proclamation calling for a referendum vote by all mail ballot, the question to be whether voters are for or against the abortion Ordinance # 2023-002.

TOE Resolution # 2024-001 (en Espanol)

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Special Election Resolution (In Spanish) – Ordenar al Secretario Municipal que emita una proclamación pidiendo un referéndum mediante votación por correo, la pregunta será si los votantes están a favor o en contra de la Ordenanza sobre el aborto n.° 2023-002.