TOE Resolution # 2023-045

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Budget adjustment Resolution #2023-045, BAR #2 for Fiscal Year FY 2023-2024.

TOE Resolution # 2023-041

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Participation in Local Government Road Fund Program for the New Mexico Department of Transportation.

TOE Resolution # 2023-040

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Participation in Local Government Road Fund Program for the New Mexico Department of Transportation.

TOE Resolution # 2023-039

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Regarding signatory authorities for all Town of Edgewood bank accounts and other official acts. Supersedes Resolution #2022-034.

TOE Resolution # 2023-038

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Participation in Transportation Project Fund (TPF) Program by New Mexico Department of Transportation.

TOE Resolution # 2023-037

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Budget Adjustment Resolution, Bar #1 Fiscal Year FY 2022-2023.

TOE Resolution # 2023-036

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting the FY 2025-2029 Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan (ICIP). Supersedes Resolution #2022-020.

TOE Resolution # 2023-035

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Approving the fourth quarter financial report for Fiscal Year FY 2022-2023.