TOE Ordinance # 2018-001

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Imposing fire and rescue impact fees. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2004-009.

TOE Ordinance # 2022-007

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting a revised comprehensive zoning code for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico, including establishing regulations, requirements, and procedures, providing for penalties for any violations. Repeals and replaces Ordinance 2019-003.

TOE Ordinance # 2022-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting legislative intent, findings, and purpose relating to the regulation of cannabis and establishing a town cannabis business license, setting forth violations, and providing for enforcement and penalties.

TOE Ordinance # 2022-001

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting procurement procedures and signature authority for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico, superceding Ordinance # 2018-005.

TOE Ordinance # 2023-001

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Grading and drainage, as amended 11/4/2010, 2/6/2019, and 4/25/2023.

TOE Ordinance # 2023-002

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Requiring abortion providers in the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico to comply with federal law.

TOE Ordinance # 2023-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Repealing section 36 of Ordinance # 2022-007; Adopting public nuisance abatement process, requiring vacant or foreclosed properties to register with the town, and authorizing use of Cannabis Regulation Act / Nuisance Abatement Fund.

TOE Ordinance # 2023-006

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Allowing the use and regulation of off-highway and all-terrain vehicles on the streets within the Town of Edgewood.

TOE Ordinance # 2023-007

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting a revised comprehensive zoning code for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. This ordinance repeals and replaces Ordinance # 2022-07.

TOE Ordinance # 2023-008

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting a business registration fee, providing for registration of all businesses, providing for enforcement and imposing business license fees. This ordinance repeals Ordinance # 2011-01.