Granting the approval of a zone change to Special Use (SU) Zone within the Town of Edgewood.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-011
Authorization to enter into a loan agreement with the New Mexico Environment Department (MNED) for the purpose of obtaining project loan funds.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-010
TOE Penalty Assessment Program – Relating to the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance, establishing a penalty assessment program, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-009
Adopting the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance by reference. Repeals Ordinance #2017-01.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-008
Zoning Ordinance #2018-008 AKA #2014-002 as adopted 8/6/2014, as amended 2/4/2015, as amended 1/9/2019.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-006
Animal Control – Establishing regulations, requirements, and procedures for the control of animals in the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County, New Mexico, and providing for penalties for any violation thereof. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2008-004.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-005
Adopting procurement procedures and signature authority for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-004
Granting the approval of a zone change to Commercial 2 (C-2) zone within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico.
TOE Ordinance # 2018-003
Granting the approval of a zone change to commercial business (C-2) zone within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico.