TOE Ordinance # 1999-N

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting a business registration fee for all businesses in the Town of Edgewood not otherwise licensed by the Town, providing for enforcement. Repealed and replaced on March 16, 2011. See Ordinance #2011-001.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-M

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the north boundary of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-L

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the east and north and south boundaries of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-K

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the east boundary of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-J

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the east boundary of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-I

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the west boundary of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-H

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the west boundary of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-G

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the petition by owners of territory contiguous to the east boundary of the Town of Edgewood, to annex the territory.

TOE Ordinance # 1999-F

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting a municipal infrastructure gross receipts tax.