Adopting the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance by reference. Repeals Ordinance #2015-008.
TOE Ordinance # 2017-003
Adopting the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance by reference. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2017-001.
TOE Ordinance # 2017-002
Adopting revised subdivision regulations, requirements, and procedures for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2014-003.
TOE Ordinance # 2017-001
Granting the approval of a zone change to Commercial-2 (C-2) within the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico.
TOE Ordinance # 2019-007
Granting the approval of a zone change to Special Use (SU) Zone within the Town of Edgewood.
TOE Ordinance # 2019-006
Relating to the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance, establishing a penalty assessment program, and repealing all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict thereof.
TOE Ordinance # 2019-005
Adopting the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance by reference. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2018-009.