Adopting the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance by reference. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2011-005.
TOE Ordinance # 2012-002
Amending Ordinance #2004-001, providing for compensation of the Mayor and Councilors.
TOE Ordinance # 2013-003
Adopting the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance by reference. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2012-003.
TOE Ordinance # 2013-002
Granting the petition ot annex approximately 10 acres of territory contiguous to the boundary of the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico.
TOE Ordinance # 2013-001
Declaring hazardous fire conditions and imposing restrictions on open fires, smoking, and other ignition sources.
TOE Ordinance # 2014-009
Authorizing the execution and delivery of a loan and intercept agreement with the New Mexico Finance Authority for the purpose of acquiring and constructing a facility containing administrative offices, a municipal court, a library, and multi-purpose meeting room, and a police department.
TOE Ordinance # 2014-008
Relating to the New Mexico Uniform Traffic Ordinance adopted by the Town of Edgewood – establishing a penalty assessment program. Repeals and replaces Ordinance #2009-004.