TOE Resolution # 2022-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Operating Resolution – Annual resolution providing for rules governing the operation and conduct of meetings of the governing body of the Town of Edgewood. Repeals and replaces Resolution 2021-002 in its entirety.

TOE Resolution # 2022-002

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Open Meetings Resolution – Establishing rules of procedure for transaction of all matters presented to the commission of the Town of Edgewood, presenting detailed rules of conduct thereof, establishing policy and procedure with reference to notice of General, Special, and Emergency meetings of the Municipal Commission. Replaces Open Meetings Resolution #2021-002.

TOE Ordinance # 2022-007

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting a revised comprehensive zoning code for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico, including establishing regulations, requirements, and procedures, providing for penalties for any violations. Repeals and replaces Ordinance 2019-003.

TOE Ordinance # 2022-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting legislative intent, findings, and purpose relating to the regulation of cannabis and establishing a town cannabis business license, setting forth violations, and providing for enforcement and penalties.

TOE Ordinance # 2022-001

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting procurement procedures and signature authority for the Town of Edgewood, New Mexico, superceding Ordinance # 2018-005.