TOE Resolution # 2021-015

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Approving the fourth quarter financial report for Fiscal Year FY 2020-2021.

TOE Resolution # 2021-016

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting the Town of Edgewood final budget for Fiscal Year FY 2021-2022.

TOE Resolution # 2021-019

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Regarding signatory authorities for all Town of Edgewood bank accounts and other official acts.

TOE Ordinance # 2021-002

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the approval of a zone change to Special Use (SU) Zone within the Town of Edgewood.

TOE Ordinance # 2021-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Granting the approval of 5 zone changes to Agricultural (AG) Zone within the Town of Edgewood.