TOE Resolution # 2021-002

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Open Meetings Resolution – Establishing rules of procedure for transaction of all matters, establishing policy and procedure with reference to notice of General, Special, and Emergency meetings of the municipal council. Replaces Open Meetings Resolution #2020-001.

TOE Resolution # 2021-003

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Governing body operating resolution – Annual resolution providing for rules government the operation and conduct of meetings of the governing body of the Town of Edgewood.

TOE Resolution # 2021-006

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Authorizing the assignment of authorized officer(s) and agent(s). Project # SAP 20-E3234-GF.

TOE Resolution # 2021-009

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Declaration of extreme or exceptional drought conditions and resolution to ban the sale and use of certain fireworks within the Town of Edgewood.

TOE Resolution # 2021-010

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Approving the issuance of bonds to Estania Valley Classical Academy Foundation.

TOE Resolution # 2021-012

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Mid-Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Resolution.