TOE Resolution # 2020-016

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Requiring the prompt removal of ruined, damaged, and dilapidated materials at 11 Range Road in the Town of Edgewood, Santa Fe County, New Mexico.

TOE Resolution # 2020-015

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Adopting the Town of Edgewood interim budget for Fiscal Year FY 2020-2021

TOE Resolution # 2020-014

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Approving the fourth quarter financial report for Fiscal Year FY 2020-2021.

TOE Resolution # 2020-012

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Operating Resolution – Annual resolution providing for rules governing the operation and conduct of meetings of the governing body of the Town of Edgewood.

TOE Resolution # 2020-010

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Prohibiting open burning within the municipal boundaries of the Town of Edgewood, beginning immediately and continuing until further notice of the Fire Marshal.

TOE Resolution # 2020-009

Chris Nelson-Jeffers

Special Election Resolution – Organizing the Town of Edgewood under the commission-manager form of government. (En Espanol: Resolución de elección especial: organización de la ciudad de Edgewood bajo la forma de gobierno de comisión-administrador. )